A blog has been started to post on issues related to typeface by Type Project designers and engineers. A wide range of contents are planned, including trivia regarding typeface design and typesetting, inside development stories, and book recommendations by staff.
Please register an email newsletter that will be delivered looking back at updated content at the end of each month.
22.05.23SeriesRecommended Book / From TP’s Stack
22.05.16SeriesOther / Behind the Scenes in Typeface Creation
Behind the Scenes in Typeface Creation: “Creating Customized Emoji in Slack”
22.05.09SeriesDevelopment Story / TP Sky Modern Blk Development Story
TP Sky Modern Blk Development Story 02: “Structure and Thickness”
22.04.25SeriesRecommended Book / From TP’s Stack
From TP’s Stack: “Johnston’s Underground Type”
22.04.18SeriesJapanese Type Design / Designing Kanji, Hiragana, and Katakana
Designing Kanji, Hiragana, and Katakana 06: “Kerning Information”
22.04.11SeriesDevelopment Story / TP Sky Classic Latin Development Story
TP Sky Classic Latin Development Story 03: “Committed Point at Creation”
22.04.04SeriesWeb Font / Web Font Overview
Web Font Overview 04: “Web Font Distribution Format: Font Distribution Service”
22.03.28SeriesRecommended Book / Book of the Month
Book of the Month (March 2022): “Size-specific adjustments to type designs”
22.03.22SeriesDevelopment Story / TP Sky Modern Blk Development Story
TP Sky Modern Blk Development Story 01: “Modern?”
22.03.14SeriesJapanese Type Design / Designing Kanji, Hiragana, and Katakana
Designing Kanji, Hiragana, and Katakana 05: “Consistency”
22.03.07SeriesDevelopment Story / TP Sky Classic Latin Development Story
TP Sky Classic Latin Development Story 02: “Comparison with TP Sky Basic”
22.02.28SeriesRecommended Book / From TP’s Stack
From TP’s Stack: “The Beauty of Characters and the Power of Characters”
22.02.21SeriesLatin Type Design / Latin Italic
Latin Italic 07: “Characters to be Inclined or Not Inclined”
22.02.14SeriesWeb Font / Web Font Overview
Web Font Overview 03: “Issues on Web Font”
22.02.07SeriesJapanese Type Design / Designing Kanji, Hiragana, and Katakana
Designing Kanji, Hiragana, and Katakana 04: “Elements”
22.01.31SeriesRecommended Book / From TP’s Stack
From TP’s Stack: “It’s Still Railroad Letters”
22.01.24SeriesDevelopment Story / TP Sky Classic Latin Development Story
TP Sky Classic Latin Development Story 01: “Features of TP Sky Classic”
22.01.17SeriesLatin Type Design / Latin Italic
Latin Italic 06: “Inclination of Italic 2”
22.01.11SeriesJapanese Type Design / Designing Kanji, Hiragana, and Katakana
Designing Kanji, Hiragana, and Katakana 03: “Thickness”
21.12.27SeriesRecommended Book / Book of the Month