25.03.10SeriesJapanese Type Design / Japanese Yakumono (Punctuation Marks and Symbols) Japanese Yakumono (Punctuation Marks and Symbols) 03: “Parentheses” I would like to talk about convoluted parentheses this time. In addition to having several types, such as parentheses “()” and square brackets “「」,” there are open and closed versions of eac…
25.02.10SeriesJapanese Type Design / Japanese Yakumono (Punctuation Marks and Symbols) Japanese Yakumono (Punctuation Marks and Symbols) 02: “Macron and Iteration Mark” Here, we discuss the macron and iteration mark. Although the macron (“ー”) looks like a simple straight line, it must be designed in accordance with each font. As there are differences in cre…
25.01.20SeriesJapanese Type Design / Japanese Yakumono (Punctuation Marks and Symbols) Japanese Yakumono (Punctuation Marks and Symbols) 01: “Punctuation Mark” Japanese yakumono (punctuation marks and symbols) is a generic term for symbols (punctuation marks, parentheses, etc.) apart from words and numbers used in typesetting. In this series, I wou…