Recombination of Kanji and Kana 03: “Recomposition Points”

When recomposing kanji and kana to a different font, different systems may be combined, such as Mincho typeface and san-serif typeface. In such cases, it is easy to blend them to fit in when there are points in common in nuances of details, including “Is there modulation in strokes? Are the corners rounded?” “Are the ornaments somewhat large or small?” “Is the inside space between strokes (Futokoro) wide or narrow?” Of course, it is particularly easy to match by recomposing within the same system, such as with Mincho typefaces or san-serif typefaces.

In either case, the compatibility becomes better by matching the elements, such as thickness, type face rate, etc. The basic idea of thickness is to arrange the blackness of kanji and kana at typesetting. At the time, kana becomes slightly thicker than kanji in many cases when looking at the numerical stroke width. In terms of type face, it looks natural when kanji is slightly larger than kana. When the size difference between kanji and kana is significant, the character size creates a sense of rhythm in typesetting. When the size difference is insignificant, the character size is arranged and a flat impression is provided.


Series archive Typesetting Japanese / Recombination of Kanji and Kana