A blog has been started to post on issues related to typeface by Type Project designers and engineers. A wide range of contents are planned, including trivia regarding typeface design and typesetting, inside development stories, and book recommendations by staff.
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23.02.13SeriesTypesetting Japanese / Font Typesetting Function
23.02.06SeriesJapanese Type Design / Constituent of Kanji and Creation Points
Constituent of Kanji and Creation Points 02: “Vertical Division System”
23.01.30SeriesFitFont / Introduction to FitFont Service
Introduction to FitFont Service 04: “Automatic Fitting Tool”
23.01.23SeriesRecommended Book / From TP’s Stack
From TP’s Stack: “The History of Mincho Typeface”
23.01.16SeriesWeb Font / Web Font Design Technique
Web Font Design Technique 03: “Specify the Line Break Position”
23.01.10SeriesTypesetting Japanese / Font Typesetting Function
Font Typesetting Function 05: “[Narrowed Spacing Between Characters] in Adobe Applications”
22.12.19SeriesFitFont / Introduction to FitFont Service
Introduction to FitFont Service 03: “Combination Between Kanji, Kana, and Latin”
22.12.12SeriesRecommended Book / Book of the Month
Book of the Month (December 2022) : “Reading Letters”
22.12.05SeriesTypesetting Japanese / Font Typesetting Function
Font Typesetting Function 04: “Which Function for Narrowed Spacing Between Characters is Used?”
22.11.28SeriesJapanese Type Design / Constituent of Kanji and Creation Points
Constituent of Kanji and Creation Points 01: “Radical”
22.11.22SeriesRecommended Book / From TP’s Stack
From TP’s Stack: “Characters of Prayers” and “Characters of Cities”
22.11.14SeriesWeb Font / Web Font Design Technique
Web Font Design Technique 02: “Match the Character Size to the Screen Size”
22.11.07SeriesTypesetting Japanese / Font Typesetting Function
Font Typesetting Function 03: “Mechanism of Typesetting with Narrowed Spacing Between Characters”
22.10.31SeriesTypesetting Japanese / Recombination of Kanji and Kana
Recombination of Kanji and Kana 05: “Recomposition with Ready-Made Font”
22.10.24SeriesRecommended Book / Book of the Month
Book of the Month (October 2022): “SANS SERIF”
22.10.17SeriesOther / Behind the Scenes in Typeface Creation
Behind the Scenes in Typeface Creation: Checking Font with Red Pencil 02: “S-, S+, C-, and C+”
22.10.11SeriesWeb Font / Web Font Design Technique
Web Font Design Technique 01: “Typesetting with Narrowed Spacing Between Characters for Headings and Leads”
22.10.03SeriesTypesetting Japanese / Recombination of Kanji and Kana
Recombination of Kanji and Kana 04: “Recomposition with Fit Font”
22.09.26SeriesFont in use / TP Font in use
Introduction to Example of TP Font Usage: “Book Titles Part 3”
22.09.20SeriesTypesetting Japanese / Font Typesetting Function