A blog has been started to post on issues related to typeface by Type Project designers and engineers. A wide range of contents are planned, including trivia regarding typeface design and typesetting, inside development stories, and book recommendations by staff.
Please register an email newsletter that will be delivered looking back at updated content at the end of each month.
22.10.11SeriesWeb Font / Web Font Design Technique
22.10.03SeriesTypesetting Japanese / Recombination of Kanji and Kana
Recombination of Kanji and Kana 04: “Recomposition with Fit Font”
22.09.26SeriesFont in use / TP Font in use
Introduction to Example of TP Font Usage: “Book Titles Part 3”
22.09.20SeriesTypesetting Japanese / Font Typesetting Function
Font Typesetting Function 02: “GPOS and GSUB”
22.09.12SeriesOther / Behind the Scenes in Typeface Creation
Behind the Scenes in Typeface Creation: Checking Font with Red Pencil 01: “Check for Rookies, W- and W+”
22.09.05SeriesTypesetting Japanese / Recombination of Kanji and Kana
Recombination of Kanji and Kana 03: “Recomposition Points”
22.08.30SeriesTypesetting Japanese / Font Typesetting Function
Font Typesetting Function 01: “What are the OpenType Features?”
22.08.22SeriesRecommended Book / From TP’s Stack
From TP’s Stack: “The World of Edo Books: Publishing Situation in Edo Read by Kibyōshi”
22.08.15SeriesOther / Behind the Scenes in Typeface Creation
Behind the Scenes in Typeface Creation: “Various Dots Included in Font” from Instagram Posts
22.08.08SeriesFont in use / TP Font in use
Introduction to Example of TP Font Usage: “Book Titles Part 2”
22.08.01SeriesTypesetting Japanese / Recombination of Kanji and Kana
Recombination of Kanji and Kana 02: “SST JP”
22.07.25SeriesFitFont / Introduction to FitFont Service
Introduction to FitFont Service 02: “Adjustment of Various Parameters”
22.07.19SeriesOther / Behind the Scenes in Typeface Creation
Behind the Scenes in Typeface Creation: “Eyeball”
22.07.11SeriesRecommended Book / From TP’s Stack
From TP’s Stack: “Portrait of 34 Great Craftsmen”
22.07.04SeriesDevelopment Story / TP Sky Modern Blk Development Story
TP Sky Modern Blk Development Story 03: “Experiment!”
22.06.27SeriesTypesetting Japanese / Recombination of Kanji and Kana
Recombination of Kanji and Kana 01: “Existing Recombination”
22.06.20SeriesRecommended Book / Book of the Month
Book of the Month (June 2022): “’Typeface’ is Created”
22.06.13SeriesOther / Behind the Scenes in Typeface Creation
Behind the Scenes in Typeface Creation: “Tofu”
22.06.06SeriesWeb Font / Web Font Overview
Web Font Overview 05: “Web Font Distribution Format: “Self-Hosting”
22.05.30SeriesFitFont / Introduction to FitFont Service