A blog has been started to post on issues related to typeface by Type Project designers and engineers. A wide range of contents are planned, including trivia regarding typeface design and typesetting, inside development stories, and book recommendations by staff.
Please register an email newsletter that will be delivered looking back at updated content at the end of each month.
23.10.02SeriesWeb Font / Optimization of Web Font
23.09.25SeriesRecommended Book / Book of the Month
Book of the Month (September 2023): “Shintaro Ajioka’s Typeface Course”
23.09.11SeriesOther / Behind the Scenes in Typeface Creation
Behind the Scenes in Typeface Creation: “Regarding TP’s Stack and Book Collection”
23.09.04SeriesTypesetting Japanese / Font Typesetting Function
Font Typesetting Function 10: “Group of Fraction (afrc/frac)”
23.08.28SeriesWeb Font / Optimization of Web Font
Optimization of Web Font 01: “FOIT and FOUT”
23.08.21SeriesOther / Behind the Scenes in Typeface Creation
Behind the Scenes in Typeface Creation: “When I See TP Typeface”
23.08.14SeriesFont in use / TP Font in use
Introduction to Example of TP Font Usage: “Websites Part 2”
23.08.07SeriesJapanese Type Design / “木 (Ki)” That Cannot Be Copy-Pasted
“木 (Ki)” That Cannot Be Copy-Pasted 03: “The Forth Stroke of Stop Brush”
23.07.31SeriesTypesetting Japanese / Font Typesetting Function
Font Typesetting Function 09: “JIS90 Character Shape (jp90)”
23.07.24SeriesRecommended Book / Book of the Month
Book of the Month (July 2023): “Men Who are Possessed by the Type”
23.07.18SeriesJapanese Type Design / “木 (Ki)” That Cannot Be Copy-Pasted
“木 (Ki)” That Cannot Be Copy-Pasted 02: “Width and Height”
23.07.11SeriesFont in use / TP Font in use
Introduction to Example of TP Font Usage: “Websites Part 1”
23.06.26SeriesRecommended Book / From TP’s Stack
From TP’s Stack: “Creation of Typefaces That Open a New Era”
23.06.19SeriesWeb Font / Web Font Design Technique
Web Font Design Technique 05: “Use Mixed Typesetting”
23.06.12SeriesWeb Font / Web Font Design Technique
Web Font Design Technique 04: “Change the Character Shape”
23.05.29SeriesJapanese Type Design / “木 (Ki)” That Cannot Be Copy-Pasted
“木 (Ki)” That Cannot Be Copy-Pasted 01: “Harai (Sweeping) and Ten (Stop Brush)”
23.05.22SeriesRecommended Book / From TP’s Stack
From TP’s Stack: “The Kawaraban of Edo – Identity of Media That Enfevered the Common People”
23.05.15SeriesFitFont / Introduction to FitFont Service
Introduction to FitFont Service 08: “Example 3”
23.05.08SeriesJapanese Type Design / Constituent of Kanji and Creation Points
Constituent of Kanji and Creation Points 05: “Consistency”
23.04.24SeriesFitFont / Introduction to FitFont Service