Today, I would like to introduce “Stroll with Typography: Observation of Characters on the Road,” written by Kentaro Fujimoto.

This book consists of records of encounters with characters on signboards, product logos, etc. the author found on the road all over Japan. The author is a graphic designer who takes his own photographs; about 120 examples of text are introduced from his perspective.
All the characters introduced in this book are analog, manual work characters. Antique characters in the city give off refined sentiment that can be difficult to reproduce with current digital fonts. Also, the author’s observations on these characters is excellent, so this book gives the reader a good chance to see that observation on the road is fun. When I find antique characters like this on the road, I feel excited, like I’m meeting someone famous. In many cases, I find myself taking photographs like the author. This book is recommended not only for those who are interested in character design, but also anybody who may like taking strolls.
Book Information:
“Stroll with Typography: Observation of Characters on the Road”
Author: Kentaro Fujimoto
Publisher: Seibundo-shinkosha
Purchase Information:タイポさんぽ―路上の文字観察-藤本-健太郎/dp/4416212844
The book is out of stock, but used versions can be purchased.
*A revised edition is also available.
Book Information:
“Stroll with Typography: Revised Observation of Characters on the Road”
Author: Kentaro Fujimoto
Publisher: Seibundo-shinkosha
Purchase Information:
The book is out of stock, but used versions can be purchased.
Series archive Recommended Book / Book of the Month
- Book of the Month (November 2024): “There are Characters”
- Book of the Month (October 2024): “Man and Writing”
- Book of the Month (June 2024): “New Design Guide: Design of Japanese Language”
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- Book of the Month (February 2024): “Stroll with Typography: Observation of Characters on the Road”
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- Book of the Month (February 2023) : “The Visual History of Type”
- Book of the Month (December 2022) : “Reading Letters”
- Book of the Month (October 2022): “SANS SERIF”
- Book of the Month (June 2022): “’Typeface’ is Created”
- Book of the Month (March 2022): “Size-specific adjustments to type designs”
- Book of the Month (December 2021): “The Field Guide to Typography: Typefaces in the Urban Landscape”
- Book of the Month (November 2021): “Designing Type”
- Book of the Month (October 2021): “Writing Vertically Creates the Scenery of Words – Why Do We Need Two Japanese Writings in Vertical and Horizontal?”
- Book of the Month (September 2021): “Kanji, Katakana, and Hiragana – History of Japanese Notation”
- Book of the Month (August 2021): “Scripts: Elegant Lettering from Design’s Golden Age”