Type Project font will be introduced based on examples of usage in each medium, including packages, books, websites, and advertisements. I would like to introduce some of the websites using corporate fonts developed by Type Project.
Information is as of May 2023.

Sony Brand Website
[Type Project Font Used]
SST JP, which is the corporate font exclusive to Sony, is used extensively.
Its expression is once again distinctive of a corporate font that perfectly fits the brand image. It has softness in the otherwise sharp and rigid impression it gives.
SST is a jointly-developed corporate font for the Sony Corporation and Monotype Imaging Inc. On receiving a commission from Monotype Imaging Inc., Type Project developed the Japanese font SST JP.

Denso Brand Website
[Type Project Font Used]
DENSO TP 2017, the corporate font of Denso, is used extensively here.
In DENSO TP 2017, the FitFont Service based on the AXIS Font is used to typeset the Japanese part on the Latin corporate font developed in advance. It gives a different impression than the usual AXIS Font.
In the development story below, you can learn about the events leading up to the development of the corporate font, etc.

[Type Project Font Used]
TBS Gothic TP
TBS Gothic TP, the corporate font of TBS, is used extensively on the site.
TBS Gothic TP is a font set at an optimal numerical value using the FitFont Service based on AXIS Font. Apart from TBS Gothic TP, TBS Mincho TP as another corporate font and TBS Sans TP as a branding font are provided at the same time.
This is a good example in which the corporate font is effectively used as a part of branding.
In the development story below, you can learn about the events leading up to development of the corporate font, etc.
Series archive Font in use / TP Font in use
- Introduction to Examples of TP Font Usage: “Advertisements Part 1”
- Introduction to Examples of TP Font Usage: “Book Titles Part 4”
- Introduction to Example of TP Font Usage: “Websites Part 2”
- Introduction to Example of TP Font Usage: “Websites Part 1”
- Introduction to Example of TP Font Usage: “Book Titles Part 3”
- Introduction to Example of TP Font Usage: “Book Titles Part 2”
- Introduction to Example of TP Font Usage: “Book Titles Part 1”
- Introduction to Example of TP Font Usage: “Iemon Jasmine”