In checking with red pencil, each stroke of character is checked carefully. While “W, S, C, <, and > <” introduced in the previous articles are usually written for the entire character, radicals, etc., “raise and lay down” in red pencil is written for the strokes in many cases.

“Raise” means “make the angle vertically closer,” and “Lay down” means “make the angle horizontally closer.“ To what degree the angle is changed is judged after looking at the balance with other characters.

Out of necessity, there are many correction instructions. However, there are affirmative writings, such as “OK.” Making the glyph with OK as a basis, the other glyphs may be corrected. In addition, OK is also used for the case such as, “S- correction is OK, so keep the size as is, but try once again for W-.” Not only the correction points but also the characters in good condition are mutually recognized among the project members, which can make creation smoother. Additionally, I’m certainly happy when I receive praise.
That’s all for the introduction of checking with red pencil.
Series archive Other / Behind the Scenes in Typeface Creation
- Behind the Scenes in Typeface Creation: Checking Font with Red Pencil 04: “Raise, Lay Down, and OK”
- Behind the Scenes in Typeface Creation: Checking Font with Red Pencil 03: “<, and > <”
- Behind the Scenes in Typeface Creation: Visual Adjustment 02: “Thickness of Line”
- Behind the Scenes in Typeface Creation: Visual Adjustment 01: “Area of Space”
- Behind the Scenes in Typeface Creation: “Regarding TP’s Stack and Book Collection”
- Behind the Scenes in Typeface Creation: “When I See TP Typeface”
- Behind the Scenes in Typeface Creation: Checking Font with Red Pencil 02: “S-, S+, C-, and C+”
- Behind the Scenes in Typeface Creation: Checking Font with Red Pencil 01: “Check for Rookies, W- and W+”
- Behind the Scenes in Typeface Creation: “Various Dots Included in Font” from Instagram Posts
- Behind the Scenes in Typeface Creation: “Eyeball”
- Behind the Scenes in Typeface Creation: “Tofu”
- Behind the Scenes in Typeface Creation: “Creating Customized Emoji in Slack”