Surprisingly Many Kana System Glyphs 04: “There are Many More”

The glyphs collected in StdN have been introduced in this series to this point. Today, in the series finale, I would like to introduce kana system glyphs that increase much more in large character sets, such as ProN, etc.

First, I would like to introduce circled kana. This is a glyph with kana inside parentheses, a circle, a square, etc. The circled Kanji, such as “㈱㊙︎,”,are collected in StdN. There is a kana version of this. Next is block of multiple characters arranged in a space equivalent to that of a single character. Focusing on units such as “Euro, Rupee, hectogram, and angstrom,” many glyphs are added. Other collections include kana for ruby, that is assumed to be used in small characters as ruby, different outlines of kana for horizontal typesetting and vertical settings, respectively – there are kana system glyphs that correspond to more detailed needs.


Series archive Japanese Type Design / Surprisingly Many Kana System Glyphs