Jun Mincho Development Story 3: “Consideration of Contrasts: Jun Mincho Headline and Jun Mincho Hairline”

In the Jun Mincho series, Standard, Headline, and Hairline have different contrasts. As the impression changes significantly with the element tip and the ratio of thickness in the horizontal kanji strokes, tests have been repeated many times.

For Hairline, the value is set at the utmost thin limits; and for Headline, tests are conducted to check the degree of the thinness for smallish character sizes in which the horizontal line appears light enough not to blow away. For Standard, the contrast is changed with each weight to set the value with stability and give a neat appearance, even in text size. Even with a little difference in the value, it becomes heavier than the impression. Slight adjustments here were difficult.


Series archive Development Story / Jun Mincho Development Story