A Bézier curve is a mathematical technique often used when rendering straight lines and curves in computer graphics. The Bézier curve is also used in font creation and rendering actual fonts on screens.
Bézier curves are drawn with a starting point, an ending point, and control points that control the degree of the curve.

A Bézier curve is indicated in a function that consists of polynomials of degree N. Although there are linear, quadratic, cubic, etc., and general Bézier curves for degree N, quadratic and cubic are often used.
Of these, the cubic Bézier curve can be controlled intuitively, so it is often used in drawing software. In this series, Bézier curves are limited to cubic Bézier curves.
In this series, the following content is scheduled to be covered:
• Handling of various formats in the type engineering business practice, such as SVG, PostScript, UFO, Pen Protocol, etc.
• Information regarding commands, such as MoveTo, CurveTo, etc.
• Information regarding the mathematical properties of Bézier curves, tangential lines, normal lines, and cutting.