
A ベーシック
A コンデンス
A コンプレス
AXIS Latin Proベーシック
AXIS Latin Pro support 41 Latin-Alphabet languages. Excellent compatibility between Japanese and Latin typefaces. Developed with the idea that an entire magazine issue could be set using a single typeface family.
AXIS Latin Proベーシック
AXIS Latin Pro support 41 Latin-Alphabet languages. Excellent compatibility between Japanese and Latin typefaces. Developed with the idea that an entire magazine issue could be set using a single typeface family.
AXIS Latin Proベーシック
AXIS Latin Pro support 41 Latin-Alphabet languages. Excellent compatibility between Japanese and Latin typefaces. Developed with the idea that an entire magazine issue could be set using a single typeface family.
AXIS Latin Proベーシック
AXIS Latin Pro support 41 Latin-Alphabet languages. Excellent compatibility between Japanese and Latin typefaces. Developed with the idea that an entire magazine issue could be set using a single typeface family.
AXIS Latin Proベーシック
AXIS Latin Pro support 41 Latin-Alphabet languages. Excellent compatibility between Japanese and Latin typefaces. Developed with the idea that an entire magazine issue could be set using a single typeface family.
AXIS Latin Proベーシック
AXIS Latin Pro support 41 Latin-Alphabet languages. Excellent compatibility between Japanese and Latin typefaces. Developed with the idea that an entire magazine issue could be set using a single typeface family.
AXIS Latin Proベーシック
AXIS Latin Pro support 41 Latin-Alphabet languages. Excellent compatibility between Japanese and Latin typefaces. Developed with the idea that an entire magazine issue could be set using a single typeface family.
AXIS Latin Proコンデンス
AXIS Latin Pro support 41 Latin-Alphabet languages. Excellent compatibility between Japanese and Latin typefaces. Developed with the idea that an entire magazine issue could be set using a single typeface family.
AXIS Latin Proコンデンス
AXIS Latin Pro support 41 Latin-Alphabet languages. Excellent compatibility between Japanese and Latin typefaces. Developed with the idea that an entire magazine issue could be set using a single typeface family.
AXIS Latin Proコンデンス
AXIS Latin Pro support 41 Latin-Alphabet languages. Excellent compatibility between Japanese and Latin typefaces. Developed with the idea that an entire magazine issue could be set using a single typeface family.
AXIS Latin Proコンデンス
AXIS Latin Pro support 41 Latin-Alphabet languages. Excellent compatibility between Japanese and Latin typefaces. Developed with the idea that an entire magazine issue could be set using a single typeface family.
AXIS Latin Proコンデンス
AXIS Latin Pro support 41 Latin-Alphabet languages. Excellent compatibility between Japanese and Latin typefaces. Developed with the idea that an entire magazine issue could be set using a single typeface family.
AXIS Latin Proコンデンス
AXIS Latin Pro support 41 Latin-Alphabet languages. Excellent compatibility between Japanese and Latin typefaces. Developed with the idea that an entire magazine issue could be set using a single typeface family.
AXIS Latin Proコンプレス
AXIS Latin Pro support 41 Latin-Alphabet languages. Excellent compatibility between Japanese and Latin typefaces. Developed with the idea that an entire magazine issue could be set using a single typeface family.
AXIS Latin Proコンプレス
AXIS Latin Pro support 41 Latin-Alphabet languages. Excellent compatibility between Japanese and Latin typefaces. Developed with the idea that an entire magazine issue could be set using a single typeface family.
AXIS Latin Proコンプレス
AXIS Latin Pro support 41 Latin-Alphabet languages. Excellent compatibility between Japanese and Latin typefaces. Developed with the idea that an entire magazine issue could be set using a single typeface family.
AXIS Latin Proコンプレス
AXIS Latin Pro support 41 Latin-Alphabet languages. Excellent compatibility between Japanese and Latin typefaces. Developed with the idea that an entire magazine issue could be set using a single typeface family.
AXIS Latin Proコンプレス
AXIS Latin Pro support 41 Latin-Alphabet languages. Excellent compatibility between Japanese and Latin typefaces. Developed with the idea that an entire magazine issue could be set using a single typeface family.
バイリンガル表記にも対応できる書体としてデザインされたAXIS Font は、グローバルに展開する企業にも多数採用され、さまざまな場面で活用されています。AXIS Latin Pro Family は、評価の高い和文内の欧文パートを独立させ、さらなるグローバル化に対応すべくキャラクター数を拡張し56 言語に対応しています。また、新たにイタリック体やスモールキャップス等追加したプロ仕様のアルファベット専用書体です。ベーシック、コンデンス、コンプレスの多彩なバリエーション展開はそのままに、全36 種類にわたるファミリー構成により、幅広い文字表現を可能にする、日本発の欧文フォントです。

主な仕様 |
OpenTypeフォント クロスプラットフォーム アウトライン抽出可 PDFエンベッド可 詰め情報あり 解像度制限なし ダイナミック・ダウンロード |
動作環境 |
macOS Windows 10/11 |
文字セット | 719文字 |
対応文字 |
下記の56言語に対応しています。Mac OS X付属のFontBook上では下記に加えて「ギリシャ語」も対応言語に表示されますが、数学/単位記号として用いられるギリシャ語字母以外は収録されていません。これはAdobeCS2までのIllustratorとInDesignにおいてギリシャ語対応ビットをONにしていないと特定ウエイトがフォントメニューに表示されないことに対応するための措置です。ギリシャ語字母については、ポリフォニック・モノフォニックによらず本書体では対応しておりません。
英語/アイスランド語/アイルランド語/アフリカーンス語/アルバニア語/イタリア語/インドネシア語/ウェールズ語/エストニア語/エスペラント語/オック語/オランダ語/オロモ語/カーボベルデ・クレオール語/ガリシア語/カタロニア語/グリーンランド語/クロアチア語(ラテン文字表記)/コーンウォール語/サンゴ語/スイスドイツ語/スウェーデン語/スコットランド・ゲール語/スペイン語/スロバキア語/スロベニア語/スワヒリ語/ソマリ語/チェコ語/ツワナ語/デンマーク語/ドイツ語/ノルウェー語ブークモールおよびニーノシュク/バスク語/ハワイ語/ハンガリー語(Dzは分割表記)/フィリピノ語/フィンランド語/フェロー語/ブラジル・ポルトガル語/フランス語/ブルトン語/ポルトガル語/ポーランド語/マルタ語/マレー語/マン島語/モーリシャス・クレオール語/ラテン語/ラトビア語/リトアニア語/ルーマニア語/ルクセンブルク語/レト・ロマンス語/ロマンシュ語/ワロン語 |
AXIS Latin Pro キャラクターセットリスト