In the previous article of this series “Inclination of Italic,” the difference in the impression due to inclination degree is explained. In this article, I would like to mention which glyphs are inclined among the character sets of one font.
The horizontally inclined design is typical for italic, but not all characters in the font are inclined. Looking at the glyphs included in the font one by one, there may be some glyphs that keep the design remaining regular.
Which glyph to incline is largely decided by individual designer. Basic glyphs, such as A-z, numbers, etc., are mostly inclined, but handling of symbols varies depending on the typeface. There is an impression that mathematical symbols (+=<>) that appear in the text, and the glyphs infrequently used for typesetting in italic are selected not to be inclined in many cases.

While some companies establish company rules and arrange the glyphs to be inclined in all fonts to be released, other companies correspond flexibly depending on the typeface usage. It may be interesting to input various characters in previews of font sales websites to see differences by typeface.